This webinar was live on 5 July 2021.
- Click here to download the PowerPoint presentation
- Click here to watch the webinar recording (use Passcode: cJx*4f2d )
Part 1 – We’ll unpack the lived experience of the person
Part 2 – We’ll address solutions and recommendations
Across the session, the content facilitators will address and touch on:
- Unpacking the parameters of complexity across NDIS, health and mental health systems
- The importance of safety planning
- Capacity building for family and kinship groups
- The importance of self-care and peer support when part of the planning stakeholder group.
Within this webinar we will hear from:
Kerri Colegate – Kerri is a Noongar woman and Director of KM Noongar Consultancy Services who is a consultant across many governmental and nongovernmental services in WA including providing guidance and support to the NDIS in relation to services for Aboriginal people, linkages to universities, cultural competence service development and many other roles
Margaret McGuinness – Specialist Support Coordinator, social work background, and who has held previous roles in People with Exceptionally Complex Needs (PECN) program as well as Regional Intensive Support Coordination (RISC) where she has supported Aboriginal people.
Linda Cresdee – Linda is Aboriginal Health Manager at St John of God Hospital, Midland. Having previously worked with Derbarl Yerrigan Health Service, Linda started at SJOG as Aboriginal Engagement and Cultural Advisor – supporting hospital patients with their journey and providing culturally safe care. Linda has vast experience in supporting patients with complex health needs, planning for discharge, and working around the complexities that come from of lack of housing, use of drugs and alcohol and mental health issues. In her current role, Linda oversees the Aboriginal Health Strategy to ensure that the hospital provides culturally responsive services as recognised by the local Noongar community.
This webinar will be an online zoom forum. Following your registration a synopsis of the lived experience example will be sent to you.
Contact us on with any queries.