Supporting people with an intellectual disability and mental health concerns.

For many of us in our ongoing support for people with a disability, we may at times come across complexities where a mental illness is also suspected or the person is demonstrating signs of poor mental health overall. This can be a particularly complex area and result in poor service access for people with a disability due to many reasons.

You have already read our post about the research, training and resources as developed through the Department of Developmental Disability Neuropsychiatry (3DN). In 2013, 3DN, in partnership with the NSW Government and Health Education and Training Institute, commenced some training for families, professionals and disability support providers to improve their knowledge, skills and confidence – leading to better mental health and wellbeing for people with an intellectual disability. Since then 3DN have continued to add to this bank of training, resources and tools.

If you aren’t familiar with the work of 3DN you might like to check our some of their training and resources including:

Intellectual disability and mental health e-learning

Professor Julian Trollor also recently hosted a presentation in relation to this topic through the Primary Health Network People Bank, where he spoke to some of the themes and learning from the work of 3DN as well as some resources and tools that individuals and their support network can use to build access to appropriate supports and services. You can access this presentation here People bank also have a whole host of other informative free training you might like to explore on their webpage

Some of those resources mentioned by Professor Trollor in his presentation which may be of use to you or the people you support may include:

My health matters  –  a resource to assist with communication with health providers as to the person’s underlying needs

A2D Folder – Admission to discharge folder to support emergency admission and other admissions with greater ease. Like ‘my health matters’ the folder is a summary of the person and their needs to support those responding to provide support in informed ways.

The Wellbeing Record –  A tool to help track signs of wellbeing and changes

My signs – an online digital tool which allows carers and other supporters to capture and share information they have observed with clinicians.

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