Medtech company PainChek (ASX: PCK) has secured its first disability services operator partnership with Nulsen Group commencing the use of PainChek’s world-first pain assessment smartphone app across five facilities.
The 6-month trial is the first of its kind for PainChek with commercial terms falling within Australia’s National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and will enable both parties to improve the detection of pain in situations where patients cannot verbalise their feelings.
PainChek® is fast and easy to use. The smartphone camera records a short video of the person’s face then analyses the images using facial recognition analytics. It automatically recognises and records facial muscle movements that indicate levels of pain.
The caregiver then uses PainChek® to observe and record pain related behaviours such as movement and how pain is vocalised by the person. Finally, PainChek® calculates an overall pain score and stores the result. This allows the caregiver to monitor the effect of medication and treatment over time.
PainChek® is a world-first pain assessment medical device – with regulatory clearance in Australia and Europe.
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