ECSN Consultancy Panels

One of the ways the ECSN program provides support is to provide or procure peer or other consultancy support to help navigate planning or support required to prevent or respond to crisis.

A new initiative has been launched to support this outcome through the introduction of consultancy panels. Consultancy panels will comprise of 3-4 people with representatives from ECSN and people with relevant expertise from within the disability sector to provide peer support and problem solving to assist with navigating important considerations, decisions, and potential next steps.

The panel will run for approximately one hour finishing with panel contribution and recommendations to trigger broader thinking and planning.

The benefit of the panel will be to provide access to peer and professional support from people with relevant expertise and experience to aid planning and implementation of supports.

Panel members have been sought from across the sector and currently represent expertise in relation to areas of:

  • Behaviour / Acquired Brain Injury
  • Working with complex families/individuals
  • Psychosocial
  • Justice transition or interface
  • Health
  • Accommodation and housing

Panel members include peers from S.S.C organisations, allied health professionals, social work roles, people with lived experience, and other planning and complex needs support roles from both state and NDIS pathways.

This consultation and peer support service can be accessed through two pathways.

  1. You can contact ECSN via phone or through our email for one to one support If your peer support need is urgent, we will seek an appropriate person with relevant expertise from within ECSN or from within the disability sector to respond to you asap.
  2. You can submit a referral to initiate a panel consultation process.

On receiving the referral, a panel of sector peers with experience in this area will then be convened to assist with the consultation. Consultation is a free and confidential service at no cost to the referrer or the participant.

To be eligible for this assistance, referrals must be in relation to NDIS participants with exceptionally complex support needs who may be experiencing crisis, or at risk of entering a crisis.

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32 Burton Street, Cannington WA 6107

6253 4700